This information might help you

Is your issue security related?

Please visit our Safety & Security centre.

Are you a trade seller?

Please login as dealer, where you can find the relevant contact information to log your complaint

We do our best to make sure that your experience is as good as it can be and you'll never need to complain - but if there's something you're not happy with we want you to tell us so we can put it right.

Here is how to reach us

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) is a free, independent service that looks into disputes between financial businesses and their customers. You can find out more or contact them using the links below. You have six months from the date of Buy and Hire’s final response letter to refer your complaint to the FOS, where it relates to finance or insurance.


Email: [email protected]

Address: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR

Buy and Hire is committed to treating all of our customers fairly.